As my heart prepares for GT Worship Conference River ’18 the word refresh enters my thoughts. Expectations for a time of refreshing fill me with ancipatoon of what God will do in this time. In this time we give to Him, set aside for Him, concentrate on Him, bask in Him. Let it be a time of refreshing.
Refresh our spirits, give us a right spirit that honors You. Psalm 51:10Refresh our hearts, let the deep of hearts cry out to the deep of your heart, the One we love. Psalms 42:7-8Refresh our families, fill our family with renewed love to serve our Lord. Joshua 24:15Refresh our passion, let us follow God whole-heartly and receive His promises and blessings over our lives. Joshua 14:9Refresh our worship, empower our song, voice, and souls to magnify You. Ephesians 5:19 Refresh our love for Your Word, grow our trust in Your Word and help us to follow it all our days. Psalm 19:7
Prayer: God, use this time to prepare our hearts for all you will do, give us new strength, new energy for You and Your work. We give this weekend to You as a sacrifice. Let it be refreshing to sour souls and our spirits. Thank you for the new work you will do in our lives.Amen.
Continue to pray for the hearts that are coming to GT Worship Conference.